Monday, May 13, 2013

Eggy Egg Salad Made Healthy

I love eggs.

They're cheap, and when you get them cage free and farm raised, they're dang good... and still cheap. 

This recipe is quite simple... but I figured it should be that way since I'm complicating things a little bit in the next two weeks (but totally in a good, easy-to-follow way). Just wait. You'll love it.

But for now, I'd like to share one of my super easy and healthy recipes that I like to make more often than not. It's yum and fresh, and will go great smothered on some fresh white bread OR just eaten by itself. I prefer both. :)

Only cooking the eggs for 8 minutes keeps the yolks slightly softer than an 11-minute hard-boiled egg, therefore providing a creamier egg salad. 

So when this softer 8-minute yolk is mixed with the Greek yogurt, it provides a creaminess that replaces the lack of mayonnaise. Love that soft yolk. 

Eggy Egg Salad Made Healthy

Yield: 4 portions

8 eggs
1 cup nonfat or 2% plain Greek yogurt
3 celery stalks, finely diced
1 ½ tablespoon spicy Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon paprika
salt and pepper, to taste

Garnish: You could funk this up and add some cooked/chopped turkey bacon and/or diced bell peppers!

  1. Fill medium saucepan ¾ way up with water. Bring to a boil. Carefully add eggs to saucepan, adding them one by one and lowering into the water with a spoon so they don’t break. Boil for exactly 8 minutes. 
  2. While eggs are boiling, create an ice bath to transfer eggs into in order to stop their cooking (an ice bath consists of a little ice and some water in a bowl). Once 8 minutes are up, transfer eggs to the ice bath with a slotted spoon and let cool in ice bath for 5 minutes.
  3. Once eggs are cooled, peel them and discard of eggshells, placing peeled eggs in a clean bowl. Lightly fork the eggs, being careful to not mix them too much. You want the eggs salad to be a little chunky.
  4. Once eggs are to desired consistency, add Greek yogurt, diced celery, Dijon mustard, garlic powder, paprika, salt and pepper.
  5. Get fresh white bread, spoon some on, and enjoy! Or if you’re going breadless like myself, eat it by itself! It’s that good…


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